Luna Magazin, September 2024


Supplements for children are products that contain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other substances for the healthy growth and development of children. When is it recommended to take them?

There are several situations where the use of dietary supplements for children may be justified.

Nutritional Deficiencies: If a child suffers from a proven deficiency, such as iron deficiency, it is important to correct it quickly with appropriate dietary supplements.

Specific Diets: Children following specific diets, such as veganism for exemple, often need supplements to compensate for the nutrients missing from their diet.

Selective Eating: For children with very selective eating habits, who do not consume all the necessary food groups or who have a diet high in ultra-processed products, supplementation may be essential to meet their nutritional needs.

However, nowadays, the nutrient content of foods is not as high as it used to be, due to intensive farming practices, preservation, and cooking methods. This decrease in nutritional quality often makes it necessary to add dietary supplements to ensure a sufficient daily intake of essential nutrients. However, they must be correctly dosed and of very high quality, meaning without additives, sweeteners, or poorly absorbed forms of vitamins and minerals.

In which cases are supplements not recommended for children?

 If children have a balanced and varied diet, meaning they eat a wide variety of foods from all food groups (fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy products, whole grains, fish...), and the foods consumed are of good quality, not ultra-processed, and grown under environmentally friendly conditions, their diet should be able to provide them with all essential nutrients, and taking dietary supplements would not be necessary.

 Moreover, if children are on medication, it is important to consult their doctor and ensure that there are no contraindications to taking certain dietary supplements.

 What should parents know before giving their children supplements?

It is important to know that there are many types of dietary supplements and that some can be more harmful than beneficial. For example, there is considerable enthusiasm for gummies. However, this type of dietary supplement has several issues.

 Firstly, their composition is problematic: they are mainly composed of sugar, syrup, additives, and colorants that are harmful to overall health. Moreover, the quality of the vitamins and minerals they contain is often very poor. These are generally forms poorly absorbed by the body and are excessively dosed. This can lead to an overload for the body and fatigue certain organs. Therefore, it is important, when choosing a dietary supplement, to carefully read the list of ingredients.

When it comes to dietary supplements for children, is it better to take products with several ingredients or is it better to take several products with a single ingredient?

In dietary supplements, it is important to pay attention to the interactions between certain vitamins and minerals, as some combinations can reduce the absorption or effectiveness of the nutrients.

For example, one should avoid mixing iron and zinc or iron and calcium, as the absorption of one can reduce the absorption of the other, which is therefore pointless.

It is important to choose a brand of dietary supplements developed by experts who will take all these interactions into consideration in their formulations.

In general, supplements containing vitamins and minerals are most commonly used for children. Which substances is a growing child most likely to lack?

It is proven that an important proportion of children today lack vitamin D, iron, and Omega 3 (DHA). But in my opinion, given the current diet of children, without reaching the level of deficiency, their general intake of many nutrients is not sufficient.

How can nutritional deficiencies become noticeable in children?

 This will depend on the nutrient that is problematic. An iron deficiency, for example, will not have the same symptoms as a lack of DHA.

But in general, if you notice chronic fatigue, paleness, lack of appetite, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, sleep problems, growth delays, or if your child frequently suffers from winter infections, you might want to consider it.

Buying nutritional supplements for children can be helpful for parents who are trying to provide their children with a healthy and balanced diet. How can you recognize the quality of the product?

It is very important to carefully read the list of ingredients. All excipients should be examined: additives, colorants, gelatins, artificial flavors, or sweeteners should be avoided. These are endocrine disruptors or potentially risky molecules that should not be given to children.

Refined sugars, such as syrups or cane sugar, should also be avoided as they can alter the intestinal microbiota.

Finally, it is important to look at the form of the vitamins and minerals and choose high-quality forms that are well absorbed by the body. For example, one should choose natural forms or bisglycinate forms rather than sulfates or oxides.

If your child feels tired or weak, this can have various causes, e.g. poor nutrition, lack of sleep, excessive physical activity or a stressful environment. Which food supplements are recommended in such cases?

When a child feels tired or weak, it is important to first identify the underlying causes, and to discuss it with his doctor. If dietary supplements are being considered, the following can be recommended to support overall energy levels and wellbeing:

A multivitamins and minerals supplement can help fill any nutritional gaps in the diet and provide a broad spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin D should be part of the formula, this vitamin is essential for bone health and immune function. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to fatigue and muscle weakness. As well as Vitamin B12 and Folate (Vitamin B9): Both of these B vitamins are important for energy production and the formation of red blood cells. A deficiency can lead to fatigue and weakness. Magnesium is also involved in many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, and can help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Finally Vitamin C is also important as it supports the immune system and helps reduce fatigue, especially during times of stress or illness.

You can also consider Omega-3 Fatty Acids which are important for brain health and can help with fatigue and overall mood.

Finally, Probiotics could also be helpful. A healthy gut flora can improve nutrient absorption and overall health, which may help alleviate fatigue.

How can you motivate a child to take a necessary dietary supplement regularly?

 I think the first thing is to explain to them the benefits and importance of the dietary supplement for their health. Children understand a lot if we take the time to explain it to them properly. Then, find one that they like in terms of taste without it resembling a candy, because it is not one. It is important that the supplement is not associated with such a product so they understand that it would be problematic to eat too many, which is often the issue with gummies.

Parents very often turn to vitamin preparations or food supplements for their children, especially to protect them from illness and seasonal sickness. Should children's immune defenses be strengthened? And how?

Yes, children's immune systems can be strengthened, primarily through diet.

 Firstly, by providing them with a varied diet that supplies all the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of their bodies, as well as antioxidants that will protect them from free radicals.

Taking care of their microbiota is also crucial, as 70% of immune cells are located near the microbiota in the intestine. It acts as a barrier against pathogenic microbes and contributes to the maturation of their immune system. The consumption of dietary fibers (prebiotics) and fermented products promotes the good health of the microbiota.

 Restorative sleep and moderate, regular physical activity will also have a positive impact on immunity.

 Finally, specific supplements can support the immune system, such as supplementation with zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, Omega 3, beta-glucans, and/or probiotic treatments.